-eatART engineer Charlie Brinson
Appearance is Daisy’s greatest tool for achieving eatART’s goal of awareness. Size and structure are Daisy’s greatest appeals. She is something that is both familiar and yet foreign—a common training vehicle that has been equipped with strange modern technology and enlarged more than five times its original si
Though Daisy is effective at drawing attention to a cause through the use of her Victorian aesthetic, we had to argue that this aesthetic also acts as her greatest hindrance. In order to receive the desired effect, Daisy must be transported to places that will generate the greatest interest: eatART takes her to large-scale events such as Burning Man, a showcase of extravagant, artistic creations displayed in the Black Rock Desert, in Nevada; and the Pemberton Music Festival in British Columbia, a weekend-long concert featu
"Naturally shock and awe are favoured reactions but inquisition is ultimately more fruitful."
-Engineer John Tippett
Although extravagance is impractical, it is necessary to maintain status. Only those of the highest social class in Victorian England could afford such extravagances—and they took advantage of their wealth to attest to their social rank. Those of wealth filled their homes with brilliantly crafted furniture; knick-knacks occupied every possible crevice; hairstyles and clothing were needlessly ornate. In other words, appearances were everything—they were necessary to produce the appropriate attention from the public. Likewise, Daisy needs her extravagance and impracticality, otherwise she loses her role as a dramatic work of art used to inspire awareness on an important issue. Without Daisy’s particular aesthetic (namely her grand size), she would not be able to attract as much attention as she does. Without the absurdity of a solar-powered tricycle, inquisition would not occur. If Daisy had been a practical, solar-powered vehicle—say a car—she would lose her influence for then she would lack originality and uniqueness. Like the wealthy class of Victorians, Daisy needs her appearance to remain as such in order to maintain the positions she currently possesses.
Furthermore, without this particular aesthetic, she also loses her status as Steampunk. Strangely enough, in our interviews, most of the engineers stated that they did not feel Daisy had taken anything from the Victorian period. To our understanding, Steampunk is the collision of the old with the new—the past with the present and future. This is achieved by Daisy aesthetically through the design of her wheels and her carriage—the old—mixed with the design of the solar panels and t
"We feel art is a great way to reach people and trigger and deeper though process. Hopefully this thought process will lead to other ideas and at least de-mystify so-called alternative energy systems. Surely if electricity can power a giant tricycle, it can do something a bit more practical."
-Engineer Rob Cunningham